The Heart of Worship

by Pastor Roger Byrd, Worship Pastor

A couple of weeks ago, a couple in the choir sent a card to me with an article from the Washington Post.

Choirs are large families. Singing in them promotes social bonding and joy. Choir members are more optimistic, less lonely, and more likely to contribute positively to the community. A sense of achievement comes from blending notes with others and working together to master a work. The text is often inspiring and beautiful, so despite the day's travails, choir members leave rehearsals feeling ‘this is a very positive thing that I can be a part of.’ The Bible knew that all along. Choirs are a biblical part of God’s scheme of worship! Don’t miss it in your church! (excerpt from The Washington Post, June 25, 2023)

Sooooo….does that inspire you to want to experience what it’s like singing in our VCN Choir? I thought so! Come check us out in the sanctuary on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm.

God deserves our worship. Worship is a right and fitting response to God both because of who He is and because of what He has done. (Psalm 98)

God requires our worship. The relationship between God and His people, under both the Old and New Covenants, is established by God’s initiative and on God’s terms. (Exodus 20:1-6)

God enables our worship. It’s worth noting that worship is only possible because God made it so. Worship, in all its forms and expressions, is first and foremost for God’s pleasure, not ours. (Romans 12:1)

God is looking for worshipers. The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 12:1-2 that when we offer ourselves to God in worship, God renews our minds and enables us to discover his will; we begin to think as He thinks and value what He values. Living a life of worship is the secret to living a life of friendship with God. Worship and friendship with God are the same thing. This means worship is not just a part of your life …

… it is your life.

From my heart to yours —

The night before my heart transplant, I was leading a rehearsal for a group of people, and I felt compelled to share a passage of Scripture with them. I read Psalm 27:1 and said, “I’m not sure who needs to hear this but I am compelled to share it with you. If anyone within the sound of my voice is going through anything that is making you afraid or fearful, based on God’s word, please do NOT be afraid or feel alone. He is with you and you have many blessings for which to give Him thanks.” 

Little did I know at the time,  the following day I would receive a phone call that a heart had become available to me, and I needed to get to the hospital. You’re right - I was not afraid nor should you be no matter what life is throwing at you.

If you see me before or after church, I can show you the necklace that I have worn every day since my heart transplant. It has that verse inscribed on it, “The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom then shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1)

I trust that He is your light, salvation, and strength as well.

August 2023 Events

Birthdays & Anniversaries

We have many birthdays and anniversaries this month. Click HERE to see who is celebrating! Perhaps say a prayer for someone on their birthday or anniversary or send a card to let them know they are loved.

Sunday School - Something for Everyone!

Every Sunday during the 9am hour, we have something for everyone - for the young and the young-at-heart! Stop by the Fellowship Hall (the building entrance closest to Venice Avenue) any Sunday at 9am for directions to a class designed just for you!

District Kid's Camp, July 31-August 4

Kid's Camp 2023 will take place July 31st-August 4th at Lake Placid Camp and Conference Center. Join us in praying for these kids, that their faith will be increased as they learn more about Jesus!

Ladies Night Out, August 3rd

Ladies Night Out is Thursday, August 3rd at Gold Rush (661 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice) at 5 pm. Contact the church office to add your name to the list. This takes place on the first Thursday of every month, so if you cannot make it this month, put it on your calendar for next month.

Potluck Lunch on August 6th after the 10:30 Service

Who doesn’t love a church potluck lunch? Everyone is welcome! Bring something to share according to the starting letter of your last name: A-L bring a MAIN DISH; M-Q bring DESSERT; R-Z bring a SIDE DISH. Thanks to Sharla May and her team who are organizing these events this summer. It’s been a fun fellowship time for all!

Name Tag Sunday, August 27th

On your way into service on August 27th, stop by the table in the lobby to pick up your name tag. We'll have a special time of greeting and meeting during our worship time together. We want to meet YOU!

Family Promise, August 27th-September 3rd

Family Promise is a ministry helping families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. VCN will host 1-3 families who will sleep in our fellowship hall for one week. Volunteers are needed to sleep one night at the church as hosts, from dinner time through the following morning. Volunteers are also needed to provide a healthy, delicious meal. Contact Sharla May through the Church Office to volunteer.

But wait, there's more!

For all weekly church updates including service times, classes, ministry opportunities, special events, and more or to join the church mailing list, click for the VCN Weekly Update.

Ministry Spotlight: Small Groups

Written by Lynn Lease, Small Group Ministry Leader

One of my most vivid childhood memories is standing in a California redwood forest. The smells, sounds, and sights are still fresh in my memory. In my opinion, the redwood trees are some of the most magical and surreal of all of God’s creation. They stand together, so tall, so wide, and so majestic. Standing at the base of the giants and gazing up, it seems the tops of the trees are beyond even the clouds in the sky. One would think that these giants must have roots that reach the depths of the earth to stand so straight and so tall for so long. But the reality is that redwoods actually have shallow roots. So, how is it that they withstand the tests of time, creatures, and weather to maintain their stature for centuries? They stand together.

Redwoods endure together. Growing in groves, redwoods have a foundational root system. While shallow, the roots of these giants reach out to entwine with the roots of the other nearby redwoods. This entwining of roots becomes a solid web-like foundation allowing the trees to stand together against anything that comes their way. The redwoods are a community, surviving and thriving together, all anchored to a solid foundation.

We Christians are called to a similar community. We were not created to walk the journey through life alone; we need each other. Together, with our roots entwined and anchored in the solid foundation of our faith in God, we can stand firm in whatever comes our way. Just like a redwood that sprouts up too far from the others, when we are separated from our grove of believers, we will likely struggle to withstand the storms of life. We need to make sure that we are rooted in a community of believers.

What are you rooted in? Who is in your grove? Who are you entangled with? Are you in a community with those who are seeking deeply after God or are you spending time entangled with the ways of the world?

VCN offers small groups, a grove-like community creating an opportunity for faith growth individually and collectively. My husband Jeff and I have been involved with small groups for several years and have grown in our faith walk and have developed lifelong friends. Our roots have been entwined with the roots of some amazing people through these small group experiences, and without these relationships, we would have struggled to remain standing during the tougher seasons of life. Our small group community has always been there, supporting us as we support them.

So what is a small group? I’m glad you asked! 

Small groups are typically formed in October and meet every other week in various homes through April or May. This allows our snowbird friends to be a part of this important ministry. Meeting in homes allows for a more intimate setting to promote discussions and relationships. VCN small groups are focused on scripture, prayer, and care.

Small Groups focus on Scripture

Each meeting includes time in the Word. A group might study a specific book of the Bible, i.e. the book of John, or a topic founded on the Word, i.e. a study on prayer. Each group's leader selects the topic and resources to guide the learning and discussion.

Small Groups focus on Prayer

Each meeting starts and ends with prayer. As a small group, you get to know each other intimately, sharing life together. Groups are encouraged to consider prayer requests and take time to pray for specific needs and to invite the Holy Spirit to speak through the group's conversation. It's always good to thank God for all that He is doing within your small group community.

Small Groups focus on Care

Your small group is more than the time you spend together in formal gatherings. Group members are encouraged to pray for each other throughout the week. Group members gather around individuals as special needs arise. Strong relationships are built and focus on showing love to all members and building a sense of family and community.

Just like the California redwoods we were created for unity. "How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore" (Psalm 133, NIV). 

If you are interested in joining a small group this fall, contact the church office by phone (941) 488-5007 or email

Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus, Literally and Spiritually

By Pastor Kip Hasselbring, Lead Pastor

Many of you know that Margaret and I, along with a group of 28, traveled to the Holy Land of Israel.  “Wow!” is my new favorite word as I found myself using it every day while we traveled to archaeological digs and holy sites and begin to see the Bible come to life in a whole new way.  Since I’ve been back, people often ask me, “So, what was your favorite part of the trip?”  And my answer is generally this, “Wow!  All of it!  There’s no way that I could narrow it down to just one thing.”  But as I think about that question a bit more, I think I would say that my favorite part would be “All of the places that Jesus walked.”  Literally, to walk in the footsteps of Jesus!  We walked in several of those same places that Jesus walked…

  • The Capernaum synagogue and village (the “Hometown of Jesus”)

  • In Cana of Galilee where Jesus turned the water into wine (his first miracle!)

  • Along the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus restored Peter after his denial 

  • The “Teaching Steps” that Jesus taught from near the Temple Mount

  • The Palm Sunday road that He walked before entering Jerusalem 

  • The Via Dolorosa (“The Sorrowful Way”), where Jesus walked to the cross

I must say, it was pretty awesome to walk in the footsteps of Jesus for sure!

But it also got me thinking about some other “footsteps” that are mentioned in the Bible.  In the Book of Galatians, the Apostle Paul (under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) was writing about what it looked like to be filled with the Spirit…and what evidence there is when the Spirit of God is saturating our lives (the “Fruit of the Spirit”).  He went on to write this as well:

“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)

So, even if we have not been to the Holy Land to see some of these amazing sites, we can still walk in the footsteps of Jesus!  

Staying in step with the Spirit implies a couple of things.  One, that we don’t “lag behind” Him and His leading in our lives.  And secondly, it also means that we “don’t get ahead” of Him either.  Sometimes when our group of 28 was walking around a site, some would lag behind.  Our guide would kindly remind us of the importance of keeping in step with him and the group.  At every stop, before we arrived, he would prepare us with important information so that we would get the most out of the upcoming site visit.  When we arrived, he would often say, “Hubba hubba.  Chop chop.  Come on now everyone, shake a leg.”  In other words, he was saying “Don’t lag behind, but keep in step with me and the group so you don’t miss out on important information as we walk through this site.”

And it’s important to not “get ahead” as well.  When a group member would get ahead of the guide, they would be walking on…but not sure of their destination, and they too would miss out on important information and views because they got ahead of our guide and group.  

So, as we think about “walking in the footsteps of Jesus,” let’s remember to follow His lead.  To “keep in step” with Him and to stay close and listen to His voice so we can see the beautiful things He wants to show us as we learn to keep in step with Him.

Are you “in step” with the Lord?  Or maybe we need a little nudge when we lag behind:  “Hubba hubba.  Chop chop.  Come on, shake a leg,” to remind us to keep in step with Him and enjoy the journey as He faithfully leads us.  

Now THAT’S walking in the footsteps of Jesus! 


July 2023 Events

Birthdays & Anniversaries

We have many birthdays and anniversaries this month. Click HERE to see who is celebrating! Perhaps say a prayer for someone on their birthday or anniversary or send a card to let them know they are loved.

Potluck Lunch on July 2nd after the 10:30 Service

Who doesn’t love a church potluck lunch? This one will have a brunch theme. Everyone is asked to bring something to share according to the starting letter of your last name: A-J bring a SIDE DISH; K-N bring DESSERT; O-Z bring MAIN DISH. Thanks to Sharla May and her team who are organizing these events this summer. We'll have one more on August 6th.

Nazarene Youth Conference, July 5th-11th

Join us in praying for the 11 teens who are traveling to the NYC23 Nazarene Youth Conference this month in Tampa Bay with our youth leaders. We pray that all the teens attending this year will grow in their faith and love for Jesus!

Ladies Night Out, July 6th

Ladies Night Out is Thursday, July 6th at Pincher's (900 Venetia Bay Blvd, Venice) at 5 pm. Contact the church office to add your name to the list. This takes place on the first Thursday of every month, so if you cannot make it in July, put it on your calendar for August.

Special Guest Missionaries, July 9th

The Hendrix Family, missionaries from the Republic of Georgia will be at VCN on July 9th at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. Enter through the courtyard doors and plan to stay for an ice cream social to follow.

Name Tag Sunday, July 30th

On your way into service on July 30th, stop by the table in the lobby to pick up your name tag. We'll have a special time of greeting and meeting during our worship time together. We want to meet YOU!

District Kid's Camp, July 31-August

Kid's Camp 2023 will take place July 31st-August 4th at Lake Placid Camp and Conference Center. Join us in praying for these kids, that their faith will be increased as they learn more about Jesus!

But wait, there's more!

For all weekly church updates including service times, classes, ministry opportunities, special events, and more or to join the church mailing list, click for the VCN Weekly Update.

Member Spotlight - Becky Battershell & Family

Member Spotlight:

Becky Battershell




Daughter - Alana (18) and Son - Andrew (15)

Where are you from originally?

We moved here from Huntington, Indiana where we were serving on staff at First Church of the Nazarene. Lynn grew up in NE Ohio (Alliance) and Becky grew up in SW Ohio (West Chester) and NE Indiana.

How long have you been attending or been a member of VCN?

13 years

What do you love most about VCN?

My grandma and grandpa Koch attended this church as snowbirds when I was a child and teen. So I vacationed here my entire life and attended VCN on summer vacations. Lynn and I have both grown up as Nazarenes. My Dad was a pastor in churches in Southwestern Ohio, and Lynn’s family was very involved in missions in his local church and district. We love the theology and heritage of the Nazarene Church. My parents attended here when we moved here 13 years ago. So it is natural we love VCN! We love Pastor Kip, Margaret, and the wonderful staff. The congregation is warm and loving. VCN is home!

What's something that the VCN family might not know about you and/or your family?

Lynn and Becky met at Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Lynn’s job takes him all around western Florida as he trains and teaches clients on a computer system. Becky currently teaches 4th grade at Venice Christian School. We have served in youth and children’s ministries staffs in Indiana and Virginia. Alana and Andrew have attended Venice Christian through elementary, middle, and now high school. Alana is a volleyball player and plays the violin. She works at Culver's. She is a senior this year and plans to attend Trevecca Nazarene University when she graduates. Andrew loves basketball, swimming, and video games.

What ministries or events are you involved in at VCN?

The Battershells have served in children’s, youth, music, and tech ministries. Andrew just started singing in the choir with his Grandpa Koch.

What's your favorite bible verse?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

What's your favorite praise and worship song?

The Goodness of God

The History of the Church

by Jim Johnston, Adult Sunday School Teacher
Join his class any Sunday at 9am at Venice Church of the Nazarene.

Is the God of the Bible real? Did He create the universe and us? Does God know what is best for us? Did his Son come to die for our sins? Did Jesus break out of the grave so that we might have a relationship with Him, now and for all eternity? How does the Church respond to these questions?

The church in the Old Testament evolved from individual worship of God to family-centered worship. There was always the idea of a covenant or relationship between God and man, centered in some form of gathering. The Ark of the Covenant was built to carry a pot of manna and the rod of Aaron, both of which serve as reminders of God’s role in the lives of the people. The Ark also carried the tablets of the covenant law God gave Moses. The Ark was a symbol of God’s presence and a point of meeting and worship. The cover made of gold was called the Mercy Seat symbolizing where God would meet them for forgiveness, instruction, and guidance.

Eventually, a permanent structure was built by King Solomon in Jerusalem to house the Ark of the Covenant and served as a place of gathering and instruction. The Temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC, rebuilt in 515, destroyed again, rebuilt by Herod, then finally destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. 

New meeting places developed called “synagogues.” These meeting places became the center of worship after the Jewish captivity in Babylon. The name comes from a Greek word meaning “assembly” or “gathering together.” The Jews met in synagogues for prayer, reading, and discussion of the scriptures. Synagogues served as a place for study, sacred meals, court proceedings, and political and social meetings, wherever Jews settled. These places became the focus of religious and social life for communities scattered around the Mediterranean and in Israel itself. Jesus made the Synagogue a focal point of his teaching ministry (Mark 1:21; 6:2; Luke 4:16). The apostle Paul also did much of his preaching in synagogues. People interested in spiritual things were naturally drawn to the synagogue, so when entering a city, Paul usually went first to the synagogue and preached there (Acts 17:1, 2; 18:4). Preaching wasn’t just giving a speech, it was more interactive and involved questions and discussion.

Jesus understood the history and significance of the church in the lives of the people described in the Old Testament, New Testament, and future generations. His charge of preaching the Gospel everywhere was an incentive to continue the work of the church. Matthew 28:19-20, “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Jesus gave The Church special significance by likening the church to a bride with Christ as her bridegroom (John 3:29). “The bride belongs to the bridegroom” referring to the relationship of Jesus to the Church. Paul uses this analogy in Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Christ has lovingly and specifically chosen the church to be His bride and the center of a spiritual relationship.  

The definition of the church in the New Testament changed; no synagogue, temple, chapel, tabernacle, building, or any other meeting place was ever called a “church.” Today the term always refers to a Christian assembly, and it is used for both the local community of believers and the overall mission of Christ. The church is the guardian of a spiritual relationship between God and His people. It is a place where we can meet God through the Holy Spirit and receive instruction to fulfill the request of Jesus to remind the world about His spiritual teachings and love.

Come join us at Venice Church of the Nazarene! We look forward to supporting you and encouraging you as you seek to know, worship, and serve God.

Holy Land, Here we Come!

by Pastor Rod Green, Associate Pastor

By the time this blog reaches our webpage, Kip and Margaret Hasselbring, Jim Kelly, Seta Green, and I will have arrived at our hotel overlooking the Sea of Galilee. Seta and I plan to put our luggage away and go for what will surely be an icy dip in the freshwater lake which is fed by the melting snows of Mt. Hermon. We should sleep well after the long trip across the pond, but we will wake early to start our tour of Galilee.

We'll sail across the lake where Jesus calmed the waves and then visit the Mount of Beatitudes. I hope the guide will allow me to lead a group of people down a winding path to the lake. Every time I have done this, I have felt a great peace on that mountainside. There is always a nice breeze, a sign to me of the Spirit's presence and the peace of Christ. This walk will end at a spot at the lakeshore where Jesus made breakfast for the disciples after the resurrection and gave Peter some insight into his future and where his love for the Lord would lead him. We'll see the ruins of Capernaum (the hometown of Peter) and the traditional place where Jesus fed the 5,000. Not bad for our first day in the Holy Land....oh yeah, we will end the day at the Jordan River where many in our group will be baptized.

It is Seta's dream to walk where Jesus walked and be baptized in the Jordan River. In Galilee, Seta and I will look to the north and think of our family and friends in Beirut, Lebanon. We could reach them by car in about four hours if there was a peaceful border to cross. Seta will surely be thinking of her mom, who passed away over a year ago and who would have loved to be on a pilgrimage to places where her Lord lived and revealed God's love for the world.

We will see a lot during our 8 days: Nazareth, Jericho, Caesarea (where Pontius Pilate resided and where later Paul lived under house arrest), and Jerusalem. The last item on our agenda will be sharing communion in the garden tomb, drinking grape juice from an olivewood cup.  

Seta just told me she is really looking forward to visiting the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed on the night he was arrested. I have not told her, but the church in the garden is one of my favorite places. I could always rely on the Spirit of God to show up with the presence and peace I desire. I cannot wait to hear about her experience there.

Pastor Kip will write a blog about his experience when he returns. I am looking forward to what he has to report. Thanks for your prayers. 

June 2023 Events


We have many birthdays and anniversaries this month. Click HERE to see who is celebrating! Perhaps say a prayer for someone on their birthday or anniversary or send a card to let them know they are loved.


Our Kids and Youth are doing a fundraiser so that we can help them take part in discipleship camps and conferences this summer. There are envelopes hanging on a bulletin board in the sanctuary foyer with a number. Choose an envelope with an amount you want to give and put your gift in the offering box. Together, we can give our young people the push they need to participate in these life-changing events (Kids Camp, Youth Camp, and Nazarene Youth Conference).


Ladies Night Out is Thursday, June 1st at Paradise Grill (1097 Tamiami Trail in Nokomis) at 5 pm. Contact the church office to add your name to the list. This takes place on the first Thursday of every month, so if you cannot make it in June then put it on your calendar for July.


Starting June 4th there will be one worship service at 10:30 am. Sunday School will start at 9 am for all ages. If you are not attending Sunday school, maybe it is a good time to try – a great way to make new friends and grow deeper in faith.


Who doesn’t love a church potluck lunch? This one will have a brunch theme. Everyone is asked to bring something to share according to the starting letter of your last name: A-N bring a MAIN DISH; O-S bring FRUIT; T-Z bring PASTRIES, DONUTS, BREAD.  Thanks to Sharla May and her team who are organizing this event and two other Sunday lunch get-togethers this summer on July 2nd and August 6th.


Father’s Day is Sunday, June 18th!  Donuts for Dads will take place from 10 am to 10:30 am in the courtyard.


This is taking place at our very own campground in Lake Placid, Florida. Register HERE. The goal of the camp is for every student to know they have been CHOSEN, CHANGED, and CALLED to do their part in changing the world for Christ.


Samir Nazha, who is the president of the Jordan Nazarene Schools Board, will be in Venice to tell us about the exciting ministry taking place at our two schools in the cities of Amman and Zarqa Jordan. He will answer questions like: Is it lawful to tell Muslim students about Jesus and introduce them to the Bible? How important is Nazarene Child Sponsorship to the schools? What was it like 40 years ago when Samir was a student at the Ashrafiya Nazarene school in Amman?


Join us as we pray Psalm 20:1-2 – “May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.”

Essentials of our Faith

by Dr. Leroy Pepper, Adult Sunday School Teacher
Join his class any Sunday at 9am at Venice Church of the Nazarene.

Every so often it’s a good idea for Christ followers to be reminded of the essentials of our faith. I am convinced that the bedrock of Christianity is our understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Most traditional theologians begin their thinking about God as the Bible does, with God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth. But I recently read the thoughts of one who argues, as I believe, that Christian thinking should begin with the Incarnation—the self-revelation of God the Father in His Son, Jesus Christ (Samuel M. Powell, The Trinity. Kansas City, MO: The Foundry Publishing, 2020).

The Bible is the Source and supreme authority for what Christians believe. We believe that Jesus of Nazareth was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to a virgin mother. He lived and walked in the Middle East around 2000 years ago, for approximately 33 years, until he died on a Roman cross outside the city of Jerusalem. Given the unique circumstances of his conception and birth, Jesus was both “fully God” and “fully man,” as the ancient Christian creeds proclaim. As Thomas declared his faith when the risen Christ appeared to his Disciples one week after his Resurrection, “My Lord and my God!” Any teaching that denies either Jesus’ full deity or his full humanity we understand to be false and heretical.

Christians believe that Jesus is the prophesied and long-expected Jewish Messiah, or “Anointed One.” As proof of his authority, on the third day after his crucifixion God raised him from the dead. The Resurrection of Jesus is the most distinctive foundation of the Christian faith. “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

When Jesus died on the cross he provided Atonement for us; he became the once-for-all, perfect sacrifice for our sins. The English word “Atonement,” a word apparently coined in the early 16th century by either St. Thomas More or by William Tyndale, means literally “at-one-ment.” It is used to describe the reconciliation with God the Father provided for us by Jesus in his death on the cross. As John declared in Revelation 13:8, Jesus was “the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world.”

Christians believe, as our Bible tells us that, after appearing among his followers for forty days following his Resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven where, according to Hebrews 1:3-4, “…he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven…superior to the angels.” The same writer tells us that, “…because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he ever lives to intercede for them” (Hebrews 7:24-25). As our Great High Priest, “Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence” (Hebrews 9:24). And, as Jesus himself told his followers, “I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 4:3b). What a wonderful Savior!